International School of Bergamo

Discover the Unique Opportunities that Await Your Child at ISBergamo

The only official and authorised IB Continuum School in Bergamo for students from 2 to 18 years old.

ISBergamo offers

  • Open Mornings for those parents that are interested in seeing not only the school, its facilities and premises, but also live lessons and the teaching and learning environment
  • Open Evenings for those parents that are interested in visiting the school after work, with no time constraint.

During both Open Mornings and Open Evenings, it is possible to get to know the school staff, speak to teachers and students, ask questions regarding the curriculum, the organization, the community and the excellent academic results.


What to Expect

Open days are an opportunity to: 

  • have an overview of the school curriculum (International Baccalaureate - IB)
  • have the chance to speak with teachers and students
  • see the teaching and learning environments and resourses.

What time suits you best?

Open Evening: from 4.30 till 6.30 pm

  • Registration
  • Tea and Coffee welcome
  • Student-led school tours 
  • Free time to get to know ISB Eearly Years coordinator, Head of Primary, Head of Secondary, Head of School.
  • Feel free to come and leave whenever you prefer.


Open Evening on Thursday, January 16th from 4.30 till 6.00 pm

Location: Via Gleno 54, Bergamo, Italy

We look forward to helping you choose the best learning journey for your children